Our Staff

Jon Holste

Lead Pastor | jholste@monumentheights.org

Jon joined the staff of MHBC in 2022 as Associate Pastor, and as Lead Pastor in January 2025. He was born in Virginia and spent time overseas as a missionary kid. After high school, Jon joined the Marine Corps and married his high school sweetheart Katie. Eventually, he returned to school and earned his BA and MA from UVA as well as an MACS from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is currently pursuing a PhD in New Testament and Early Christian Literature from UVA and loves to study and teach the Bible. He and Katie have three awesome children.

Nicole Patteson

Pastor of Youth & Children | npatteson@monumentheights.org

A native of Richmond, Nicole received her BS from Radford University. She then received her MDiv from Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond. Nicole worked in parachurch and non-profit organizations as well as being a preschool teacher. She and her husband Ralph have two grown children.

Suzanne White

Minister of Music | svwwhitehouse@aol.com

A graduate of the University of Richmond, Suzanne has been Minister of Music since 2006.  Beginning as a preschool children’s choir director twenty-five years ago, Suzanne eventually earned experience with older children, youth, adults, and instrumentalists through special musicals that she directed.  She started an adult hand bell choir at MHBC in 2007.  She is married to David and has two grown daughters.

Kay Williamson


A native of Richmond, Kay received her BA in Organ Performance from Longwood University as a student of Paul Hesselink.  She has also studied with Suzanne Bunting at the University of Richmond.  Her previous positions include Director of Music and Organist at Bainbridge Street Baptist Church as well as accompanist for vocal students at Virginia Commonwealth University.  Kay has two married daughters and five grandchildren.