We welcome you to worship!
What to Expect
• Welcome at church doors by a greeter (they are here to help if you’re lost or have any questions!)
• Bible study at 9:30 a.m. in small groups, for all ages (to find the class for you, click here)
• Worship at 11 a.m., childcare through age 3 available
The worship service begins in the sanctuary at 11:00am. Our aim during this time is to glorify God through formative practices of Christian worship such as Scripture reading, public prayer, congregational singing, and the exposition of Scripture. Childcare for infants through age 3 is available during the worship service. Older children are part of our worship service since we believe that they should be welcomed into the depths of the Christian faith. We invite parents and guardians to use this time to instruct their children in worshipping with the Christian community.
If you have any questions, please call us at 804-285-3256. You may also contact one of our staff members via e-mail.
What are your services like?
Our Sunday morning service is held in our church’s sanctuary. Every Sunday, we gather to sing hymns, pray, and hear the Word of God.
What should I wear?
Come as you are. We believe that God looks at your heart, not your appearance. Our guests should feel comfortable dressing up for church or wearing jeans. There is a range of attire in our congregation.
When are the services?
We have worship services Sunday mornings at 11am.
Where do I park?
Our parking lot is large, and you are welcome to park in any available spot. We have handicap parking spots at the front of the lot closest to the Main Entrance (at the carport).
Where do I go?
You can enter the church through the Main Entrance under the carport. There are church members in the Welcome Center who can help you find your way and answer any questions.
Do you have childcare?
We have Sunday School classes for all ages. Childcare through age 3 is provided during the service in the children’s area.
Can I watch the service?
Live and recorded services can be found on YouTube .
What kind of church are you?
We are a Baptist congregation that has been worshipping at Monument and Libbie since 1950. For more, see here.